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Doctors of Chiropractic; HK Government Registered 

• full body - aches, stiffness, numbness tingling pains 
• injuries, sports injuries & preventative care   
• movement therapy; movement technique retraining
• foot orthotics
• foot, ankle, knee shoulder, elbow, wrists & hands

Dr. David Cosman DC  (Palmer)
Dr. Karl Lin (USW UK)


Chiropractic Techniques
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We combine soft tissue therapy with the chiropractic manipulation


  • Reducing pain, inflammation, accelerating wound healing, rehabilitating movement and lifestyle. 


  • Sports injuries: We direct treatment to enable a return-to-activity in a safe & timely manner, aiming to achieve improved results.


  • Prevention & Coaching: Since poor technique and posture cause injuries, correcting technique and posture is in our expertise. 


  • It's nice to be informed, so we discuss our hypothesis and plans with the patient. Accurate assessment and diagnosis guides us; it must make sense.  


  • We refer you to other doctors or specialists if indicated by the diagnosis.  

Movement Science & Back Pain
  1. Treatment often requires more than just treating the area of pain.

  2. Chiropractor goals for treating pain:

    1. to reduce nerve impingement from spinal joints

    2. to reduce joint stiffness (fixation and tightness) in the spine

    3. to reduce imbalance in the body (joints, muscle and fascia)

    4.  to reduce & from the muscle/fasciae and other joints in the body.

  3. Correcting movement technique is part of our expertise:

  • sitting to standing - even getting up from the toilet

  • walking & running technique (you might be surprised)

  • lifting and sports technique

  • foot/ankle/knee biomechanics

  • neuro-myo-fascial balance



Working as a team: Chiro, Osteo, Massage, Podiatrist
Insurance Coverage:

Dr. Virginia Wong DC  (Life West)

We provide receipts with your diagnosis.  Just submit to your insurer.  Check with

your insurer to see if you are covered. Some policies as for a medical referral.  


In Hong Kong, it is common for insurance companies to ask for a referral from a

medical referral in order to get  chiropractic fees reimbursed.  Some insurance

companies even include that "requirement" in their policy brochures. 

Please discuss any problems in this regard to your chiropractor.  

 Fascial Manipulation®
The Stecco Method


Rehabilitation Experts worldwide have incorporated the method of assessment and treatment called Fascial Manipulation®; The Stecco Method into their practices.  Certification requires all 3 levels with certification exams.  The clinic director at Cosman Health Group is FM® Certified.


Rehab Expertise Has Progressed

 Advances in the health & rehabilitation industry have revealed "the new stuff":   Adhesions (dense thickening and stickiness) between fascia and it's muscle tissue affects balance nerve/muscle activity.  Fascial Manipulation® (Stecco Method) assesses and strategically treats fascial adhesions ("densifications"). FM® balances dysfunctional messes that are riddled with compensations.  When "the pain moves from here to there", these are commonly fresh compensations taking over from fatiqued compensations.  


  • Chiropractic manipulation works on adhesions /nerve iritation at the spine 

  • Stecco Fascial Manipulation® works on adhesions /nerve iritation in the layers of fascia & muscle throughout the body. 



3rd Floor, Room C, 19-25 Jervois St
Sheung Wan, HK

 +852 2975 4114

In Hong Kong, call 999 For 
Life Threatening Emergencies 
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