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3C, 19-25 Jervois Street
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2975 4114
Whatsapp: 6472 5427
Massage / Myotherapy / Manual Therapy
Alan Ho - Arthur Law
Relaxation Massage
gentle therapy
for relief of sore or tight muscles
relax & enjoy
Sports / Therapeutic Massage
Based on the periodization of your activity
Post training recovery
Acute injury care
Rehab post injury recovery
Fascial Adhesions
1. Fascia is connective tissue, AKA "silver skin"
2. Healthy fascia glides smoothly over its' muscles
3. Sticky fascia (adhesions) have reduced gliding.
4. Densified adhesions ultimately lead to muscle imbalances and other health problems
5. Fascial massage goals include reducing adhesions of fascia to their adjacent tissues.
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